Technology of Apeikon Therapeutics
Apeikon Therapeutics has developed novel activatable nanoparticles utilising Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging and Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS) to address unmet clinical needs.
This novel platform technology involves the labelling of proprietary drug-filled carriers for MR imaging that can help to focus thousands of ultrasound transducers on a lesion within the body. This has the advantage of concentrating the drug dose in a tumour for optimum therapeutic effect while limiting systemic toxicity.

This technology is suitable for use with both existing approved and experimental anticancer agents and it has the capacity to co-deliver drugs for combination therapy. In preclinical studies in cancer models, Apeikon technology has demonstrated greater efficacy compared with unencapsulated drugs.
Apeikon technology patent applications have been granted in the US and allowed in the EU.